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Featured Murder Mystery Party: A 1920s Speakeasy Scandal

When we talk to potential customers, we are often asked, “Will I be able to host a murder mystery party even if I am anxious about it going well?’, “How do you convince your friends to do something like this?”, What if my friends are introverted/shy/anxious?” As long-time party planners, we understand the anxiety–but we also know  that hosting a murder mystery party can reveal just how capable you are as well as garner a few surprises from your friends while they have a ton of fun! 

It’s always the most helpful for us to hear first-time hosts share their experience, and when we heard from Stella about her murder mystery party, we knew we had to feature her! She reached out and let us know, “I’ve never had a murder mystery birthday party before, and I wasn’t expecting it to be THAT successful and THAT fun!! I was kind of nervous but all the guidance I got from Foulplay Games was truly helpful! Everyone came dressed up as broadway stars in full glam looks and gave performances that deserved an Oscar!!” Intrigued, we asked her to share her experience hosting Murder on the High Note, our 1920s murder mystery party. Read on below to see how Stella transformed her house into a 1920s party that would rival one of Gatsby’s soirees! 

Why did you decide to host a murder mystery party? Was it your first time? Why did you decide to use Foulplay Games?

This year for my birthday, I wanted to do something special for my friends. I was trying to find a specific activity that would keep us busy, because just a dinner party or dance party seemed too cliché. I gave it a lot of thought and a murder mystery party combined both action and a great aesthetic perfectly! I was doing research on murder mystery parties when I came across Foulplay’s tik tok account. They have everything super organized and well-planned–they even have a Pinterest board for inspo! As an organization freak, this captivated me! And the 1920s jazz club seemed like just the right theme!!

How did the game go overall?

Everybody loved the game!! Even before the party we were all so hyped finding what to wear and studying our characters. The game was also a perfect ice breaker for the people who didn't know each other. I was left speechless with my friends’ performances! I didn’t even know they were that talented at lying!! The girl who turned out to be the murderer deserved an Oscar, Emmy, Tony, SAG, Critics Choice, Nickelodeon and Spelling Bee award!! We made deals with each other, we blackmailed each other, and we danced a lot!!

Like we said, your friends will surprise you! We’ve seen some of our more introverted friends turn into total hams as their character. Murder mystery really provides a fun outlet for folks to explore their personalities and try something new! 

Were there any extra touches you added or fun memories or stories to share?

I had the best time decorating the house. I wanted it to be realistic so I transformed my place into a speakeasy! The only thing that was missing was Leonardo DiCaprio! I decorated my piano, I had feathers and pearls everywhere–I even had a poker table. I also found my vintage camera and used it for aesthetic pics. Lastly, I made envelopes for everyone’s character profiles, made a crime scene body outline, and I also made a mugshot wall!

We love the mugshot wall! It’s such a fun way to get folks into character and to begin thinking about others–and themselves!-- as a suspect! 

Any suggestions, recommendations, or tips for folks wanting to host their own murder mystery game?

Just have fun and enjoy it! Foulplay’s guidance is so good that you will have absolutely no problem hosting your party. Getting everyone dressed and getting the house decorated surely added a little spice so I highly recommend you to do that! In that case, just make sure you have enough time because I did everything a little last minute and it was a little rushed.

No doubt Stella’s friends felt really supported and safe in her hands, which helped encourage them to dress up and get into character even more. We appreciated Stella’s review and that she left us feedback to help make our party experiences even better. Thank you, Stella, for sharing your wonderful murder mystery party with our Foulplay community! 

To host Murder on the High Note, check it out here.