Foulplay Games

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What is a Murder Mystery Game and How to Host Your Own

Are you looking for a fun way to entertain guests at your next party or event, or hoping to reconnect with friends and family over the summer? Consider hosting a murder mystery game! Murder mystery games have been popular for decades, and they have gained a resurgence in recent years thanks to the popularity of escape rooms, true crime podcasts, and crime TV series. If you're unfamiliar with what a murder mystery game is, don't worry, we've got you covered! In this blog post, we'll explain exactly what a murder mystery game is, how they work, and how you can host one of your own.

What is a murder mystery game?

A murder mystery game is a role-playing game that meets live-action CLUE. Players act out a murder mystery scenario together while each plays a character. Once characters are assigned, each player is given a character description and rules to help guide them before the game begins. Each player will play a specific role in the mystery, such as the investigator, the murderer, or one of the suspects. Throughout the game, players will mix and mingle to try to figure out who the murderer is among them while accomplishing their own goals and objectives. Since players have relationships with other suspects and must interact with each other to solve the mystery, it is a great icebreaker for new groups or friends and family looking to reconnect. 

Where should I host a murder mystery game?

Of course a murder mystery game also needs a venue! Murder mystery games can be hosted practically anywhere, such as a home, apartment, workplace, or even online through Zoom and Discord. The game can be played throughout an event or as a dedicated part of the evening. To enhance the experience, hosts can decorate the venue to match the theme of the scenario, choose a themed playlist, or provide themed food and drink. 

How do I pick a game?

When it comes to choosing a murder mystery game, there are plenty of options to choose from. Foulplay murder mystery parties all have different themes and a varying number of players needed to play. The key is to choose a scenario that fits the theme of your event, will accommodate the folks you are planning to invite, and of course, a theme your players will love!!

What does a host do?

As the host, there are a few things you need to do to host a murder mystery game; your job is to steward the game and make sure it moves forward. You do not have to be a game master or enforce any gameplay rules.  Hosts are responsible for sending players their character profiles and guides beforehand. During the game, the host will hand the evidence presentation and solution to the investigator, and hand other plot materials to the correct player as outlined in the host guide. Don’t worry, our games include a detailed run-of-show to help out first-time hosts! 

While this may seem like a lot, we promise it is very simple and fun to run! Whether you're playing them in-person or online, these games require good communication skills, strategic thinking, an open mind, and a willingness to get into character and play along. Once you and your friends play, everyone will be eager to schedule the next game! Whether you're hosting a murder mystery party or are taking part, make sure to pay close attention to the clues, ensure the game moves forward, and of course, enjoy the thrill of the mystery! Who knows, you may even be the one to commit the crime!